Over the past few weeks we've been emailed a few photos and links to some incredibly creative er... 'toilet art', including a cistern carefully covered in collector editions of X-men comics and a tuba toilet (see our Facebook page photos – the owner obviously enjoys a tuneful tinkle).
Last weekend the Metro ran a story on Paris-based artist Anastasia Elias who transforms toilet rolls into miniature works of art. Who would have thought that the humble toilet could be such a source of inspiration and creativity!
And for sheer creative genius, how about this origami toilet, made from folded US $1 bill... how did they do that?!

It made us think about the creativity and innovation that went into taking one times termite mound...

...and creating these bricks...

...so this latrine could be built:

Kinda brings new meaning to 'art is life' don't you think...?
Photo credits:
Toilet roll art from The Metro
Toilet origami from Hongkiat.com
Bricks, termites and latrines from Toilet Twinning. Polaroids from poladroid.net
Headline pun: Gilo Sings