(Photo credit: www.videojug.com)
For £60 you can twin your toilet and make all the difference in the world, to transform the lives of the poorest communities and give them somewhere safe to go to the loo. Just like festival toilet supplier Andyloos did last year by twinning some of their portable loos – so have a look out for them at this summer’s celebrations, send a photo to us if you spot them!
Stay safe and happy loo queuing!
I have found the reactions of visitors using the toilet very interesting. They usually fall into two categories: some visit the loo and say nothing about the certificate; others, however, find it initially quite amusing but are interested to find out more about it.
A friend of mine who is a retired Marine Engineer used the loo recently. On returning from the loo, he pointed out that the flush mechanism required some maintenance. That spoke volumes to me – for him to have noticed such a minute detail as the flush handle he must have also noticed the certificate, but chose not to mention it in conversation.Toilet Twinning is a partnership between Cord and Tearfund
Cord is a Registered Charity in the UK Number 1070684 and a Company Limited by Guarantee in the UK Number 03566119
Tearfund is a Registered Charity Number 265464 (England and Wales) and Number SC037624 (Scotland)
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